Povodom obeležavanja dana Državnosti Republike Srbije, Minotti doo neće raditi u periodu od 15.02.2025. do 17.02.2025. godine. Prvi radni dan je 18.02.2025. godine.Minotti Tim Vam želi srećan dan Državnosti Republike Srbije!

O nama

Kompanija Minotti od samog osnivanja 2001. godine, ispred sebe je imala samo jedan cilj – zadovoljstvo svojih kupaca. Vodeći se time, kreirali smo prodajni asortiman koji sadrži najkvalitetnije proizvode potrebne za opremanje kupatila i kuhinje.

I danas, nakon toliko godina rada i izazova, želimo da svaka vaša ideja postane realnost i zato kod nas možete pronaći najinovativnija rešenja koja će vaš prostor učiniti modernim i prijatnim.


Minotti – You sing. We provide the stage.

Saznaj više (video)

10.000 m2

magacinskog postora



1.300 m2

izložbenog postora


maloprodajna salona

Banja Luka


Adra-Enerdži Dooel

Pat za Batinci 72

1000 Skopje

+389 75 423 629


Aquacasa doo

Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 27a

33520 Slatina

+385 33 683 158

Reči naših prijatelja

Šta naši partneri kažu o nama?

Glad we became from suppliers to friends who know that WE is more powerful than ME.

Tomas Cano Sales Area Manager - Export Department

Dear my friends in Minotti, As VitrA, we have been working with Minotti nearly 10 years . Besides succesful business partnership with increasing turnover almost every year, it has always beeen very enjoyable to visit Belgrade. Mainly because ALL the team; Business is done with people above all. And I love all Minotti people! I wish continuation of big success to Minotti in their impressive new headquarters and hoping to work with them in harmony in many years ahead!

Ozan Keskin International Sales Manager

MINOTTI has been our strategic partner in Serbia from the very beggining of our cooperation since we believed in their position in the market as a result of their know-how they demostrated with the products they used to work with such us sanitaryware, pipes or shower cabins. With no hesitation, their network has been the key for our successful colaboration! It’s always a pleasure to work with such profesional team they are!

Joan Poles Country Manager

The whole VA -Albertoni staff express its gratitude and appreciation for the working experience with Minotti, started in 2015. We have had a good and fruitful collaboration that has brought good prosperity to both the companies. We are ready together to meet the future requests of our business.

Mr Andrea Latorraca Export Manager

We are very happy to have been cooperating with Minotti for several years, regarding the distribution of bathroom and kitchen mixers throughout Serbia. Minotti is one of our best business partners, 100% reliable, and in addition to the working relationship, a strong bond of friendship binds us. We are therefore happy to supply our products to a company like Minotti.

Simone Stranges Sales Manager
Poslovna jedinica

Adresa: Vojvode Vuka 8, 22310 Šimanovci

Radno vreme: Ponedeljak – Petak 08.00 – 15.30

Centrala: +381 22 244 44 06

Komercijala: +381 22 244 44 00

Mail: info@minotti.rs

Kontakt telefone po službama kao i telefon servisa možete videti ovde.

Veleprodajni kupci

Želite postati naš kupac? Obratite nam se na e-mail adresu prodaja@minotti.rs ili na keramika@minotti.rs ukoliko vas zanima asortiman pločica.


Zanima vas naš maloprodajni asortiman? Pogledajte lokaciju i radno vreme naših maloprodajnih objekata ovde.

Podaci za identifikaciju

Minotti doo Koste Abraševića 12, 11271 Surčin

PIB: 101030622;

Matični broj: 17336118

Broj tekućeg računa: 160-285239-93

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